40686 - Payment method "Free" is now assigned to an availability rule by default 3 of 4 tasks completed
#40523 - Fix problem with inactive default payment method 3 of 3 tasks completed
#40444 - Payment method can be changed again on the checkout conform page 3 of 3 tasks completed
#40434 - Fix problem with payment methode "Free" 3 of 4 tasks completed
#40357 - Set default payment method in case the previous one is no longer available 3 of 5 tasks completed
#39930 - Fixed problem with payment methods for orders with canceled payments 3 of 5 tasks completed
#39446 - Block selection of the payment method "Free" as the default payment method 3 of 4 tasks completed
#38797 - Fix error on payment method change 3 of 3 tasks completed
#37929 - Fix problem with cache 3 of 4 tasks completed