NetiNextCmsElementBuilderDemo!8 6.1
NetiNextCmsElementBuilderDemo!7 6.1
NetiNextCmsElementBuilderDemo!6 5.0
#45681 - Orders with 0 € sums can be placed again 3 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextOrderAmountHandler!30 Bug
#45543 - Payment method "Free" is available again for 0 € shopping baskets 3 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextOrderAmountHandler!27 Bug
Shopware cli store changes 1 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextPhpSpreadsheet!9 5.0
New shopware cli store data 1 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextOrderAmountHandler!28 5.0
New shopware cli store data 1 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextOrderAmountHandler!29
#44612 Plugin migration to Shopware 6.6 4 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextPhpSpreadsheet!8
#45189 - Improved performance when transferring product properties 3 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextToolKit!24
#45188 - Improved performance when transferring product properties 3 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextToolKit!23 5.2
#45166 - Properties for slider PORT 6.6 3 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextToolKit!22
45165 - Properties for slider 3 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextToolKit!21 5.2
44764 - Shopware 6.6 Compatibility 4 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextOrderAmountHandler!26 Enhancement
NetiNextToolKit!20 6.1
#44946 - property options 3 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextToolKit!19 5.1
NetiNextToolKit!18 6.0
#44613 migration to Shopware 6.6 4 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextToolKit!15 6.0
#44744 Display help text of the sw-text-editor correctly 4 of 5 tasks completedNetiNextToolKit!16 5.0