#45681 - Orders with 0 € sums can be placed again
1. Why is this change necessary?
It's a bugfix
2. What does this change do, exactly?
- It checks the flag
of SW until SW version
3. Describe each step to reproduce the issue or behavior.
- Create SW promotion which reduce the cart to 0,00 €
- Put product(s) to cart
- Redeem your created promotion -> cart should redcued to 0,00 € and our payment method
should be set - Order your product(s) -> no warning message is displayed
- Please test if this MR still works -> !27 (merged)
- Test the points above in SW version < and >=
4. Please link to the relevant issues (if any).
5. Checklist
I have updated the plugin version and changelog -
I have updated the manual / created a manual update merge request -
I have updated the shopware store information -
I can confirm the code style fits our requirements -
I can confirm that no debug output is generated anywhere